Need 4 for atheon hard checkpoint gt is XxNovaEliteXx need good relic holder no checkpoint stealers
Lvl 34 Titan with gjallarhorn looking for fresh start
Need 3 more vog hard gt same as above plz have gally
Need two for atheon CP hard Mssg me for invite GT: Masonzx12
Need 1 for oracles msg freakyplace for inv must be lvl 31+ have mic and experience xb1
34 looking to do vog from oracles on Max all Message suresh0t68
Have 2 looking for Templar cp
2 34 warlocks with plenty of experience looking for oracle/Templar checkpoint. Gt is Cottingham
Need 1 at atheon hard
Edited by Ninja Naranja: 7/24/2015 2:42:01 AMHave 3 looking for Atheon CP. msg Ninja Naranja to invite
Need 1 more for vog hard message hugazombie12
VOG normal or hard. Trying to get some more ascendant energy since my dumbass deleted them all thinking I didn't need them anymore but i do! Gt is my name -----> xSystemOfADown I 3 level 34's all different classes. Let's get a party started! People with mics only and are vocal.
Need 2 more at atheon cp
Need one person for big hard run its my first time but I got a good group for it and I'm a little 30 it would be awesome if you could help GT SaintedJungle10
Edited by iSizl: 7/24/2015 2:36:34 AMNeed 3 for gatekeeper cp msg gt above for invite
Need 5 for atheon hard checkpoint gt is XxNovaEliteXx NO CHECKPOINT STEALERS need good relic holder
Lf 3 at gatekeaper, at vog hard msg me for inv.
Need one for pantheon checkpoint. Hard
need 2 for templar check point BE LEVEL 34 gt same as above doing vog hard
Need 3 for fresh run. Message me on Xbox live for invite. GT same as above.
need 2 for templar check point BE LEVEL 34 gt same as above doing vog hard
Need 3 for vog gorgon cp msg gt for inv
VOG hard. level 33 hunter. Maxed gally. GT same as above
Lf 3 at gatekeaper, at vog hard msg me for inv.
Need 1 for fresh start Message UGAxBULLDOGS
Need 2 for fresh run vog on hard msg kg01234 for invite