Atheon checkpoint hmu
Need 4 for VoG hard message Canadian Syrup7 Fresh run
Need 3 for fresh gt same
Atheon checkpoint hmu
Atheon checkpoint hmu
Need 4 for VoG hard message Canadian Syrup7 Fresh run
Need 4 at Atheon cp, msg for inv Gt: gravensirens
Need 4 for VOG hard. Message for INV. GT same as.
34 warlock looking to FRESH VoG HARD send me an invite good player full Gally
Need 2 atheon cp msg whatdoyouknow45 for invite
Lvl33t LF fresh
VOG hard fresh ... Need 3 ... Gt same as user ... 32+ only
34 Sunsinger looking to do raid, send invite if you need a person, gt same as above
Need 5 for fresh VOG with Crota right after, you don't have to stay if you don't want to. Please be 33+ for VOG hard. No specific weapons, just to hang out and get some loot. Message FLANK MODE xb1
Need four for VOG hard at confluxes
Need 5 for fresh VOG with Crota right after, you don't have to stay if you don't want to. Please be 33+ for VOG hard. No specific weapons, just to hang out and get some loot. Message FLANK MODE xb1
Need 2 for crota hard and needs to know how to run sword, at crota checkpoint gt-same send message for invite
Need 5 for Atheon cp, msg for inv Gt gravensirens
Need five at gate keeper. Message father 204 for inv
Need 2 for vog hard message stomperxx for invite
Need 2 for fresh VOG hard message CODY2015
need one more for poe 34 we are on the last round gt same as above send message BE A LEVEL 34
Need 3 for fresh start on hard VoG Message CookedKitty over Xboxlive (Xboxone)
Need 5 for gatekeeper
Need one for hard oracles. We're gonna be going down for them, message quick.
Inv me to Atheon vog hard