fresh hard VOG need 4 msg OMG RJ for inv
Anyone need help with Templar? 3x34's with Galla
Need 1 for aetheon Gt hoffmiester uk Msg on xb1 for inv
At gatekeeper. Need 3
Have 3 people looking for Templar or oracles cp message ItsXxL33xX if you have it
-Lvl.33 Titan -Lvl.34 Hunter -Lvl.34 Hunter Looking for 3 more experienced Players, relic user (If you're not one you lucked out mate) [VAULT OF GLASS] - [HARD] - [FRESH] Msg GT: youcantseeme718 [XBOX ONE] (Side note: Mic's broken but I can hear ya, so converse amongst each other)
Need two for gatekeeper message latenightmunchs
Need 4 for gate keeper inv gt same as above
Need two for gatekeeper message latenightmunchs
Need one for atheon relic runner
Need 4 at gatekeeper on hard msg brainsnap tm
Need 1 for athon on hard gt you just k1lled
34 Titan want to do clean run and can do every raid 3 times if want to send message
need 2 for oracles msg SAZING for inv
Need 5 for fresh run msg me for inv gt same as above
-Lvl.33 Titan -Lvl.34 Hunter -Lvl.34 Hunter Looking for 3 more experienced Players, relic user (If you're not one you lucked out mate) [VAULT OF GLASS] - [HARD] - [FRESH] Msg GT: youcantseeme718 [XBOX ONE] (Side note: Mic's broken but I can hear ya, so converse amongst each other)
I'm a 30 Hunter and am just looking to get some of the gear to level my character up. I have a 34 warlock and have done VoG plenty of times. My grim is 3330 and I have every exotic in the game
Need 4 for gatekeeper
Edited by Arktic K9: 7/23/2015 7:25:08 PMNeed 5 for fresh vog msg articblackout
Need 5 for VOG hard fresh run Message: DeasiL 4R for an invite
Edited by sharpkill42: 7/23/2015 7:19:02 PMNeed 2 for gate keeper message sharpkill42
I'm a 29 Hunter and am just looking to get some of the gear to level my character up. I have a 34 warlock and have done VoG plenty of times. My grim is 3330 and I have every almost every exotic in the game
Edited by abovebelow1111: 7/23/2015 7:17:02 PMClosed
Need three for 34 with good guns for hard mode crota message me for inv gt same as above
Need 5 for atheon hard message gucchiflame99 for invite
Need two level 34 with good weapons to do Poe level 35 msg me at get above for invite MUST HAVE GOOD WEAPONS(ghally if possible) AND BE VERY EXPERIENCED