Need 4 for a quick atheon cp msg SAZING for inv
Edited by Epiqit: 7/23/2015 6:57:55 PMNeed 5 for fresh 32 and up please msg epiqit
Need 1 more for fresh vog
1 more needed for hard vog CorBarLow
Need 3 at oracles
I have gorgon cp msg brainsnap tm for inv
Lf 1 more vog run
Need 1 for conflux cp Msg Yummy Dumplingz for an inv
lvl 34 Titan looking for fresh
Need 4 at gatekeeper msg for inv gt above
Msg electrifyze for inv
34 titan need atheon cp
Msg BasedGodChoby for inv. No mic required but be good
34 hunter looking for fresh run or any checkpoint. Invite somblackguy
Hey guys this is a leader of skrub squad, a brand new YouTube channel involving destiny gaming. We are hosting Gorgons checkpoint in the vault of glass for all. Message orka25 for invite! Would love for you to check out our YouTube if you join! http://youtu.be/sc8BhjDcNT0
Need 2 for gorgon cp Gt hoffmiester uk Msg on xb1 for inv
Looking for Templar my team sucks have max gally
Need 2 for gatekeeper
Need 2 more for quick run through on VoG hard on Oracle checkpoint now. Xbox One, message Le Commo
Need 5 for fresh vog
34 hunter need a team for fresh run hard send invite to gt:saltyfawn913269
Need 5 for confluxes
Need 5 for fresh msg for inv gt above for fresh
Looking for 4 people to do hard VoG with. Message Luftwaffe77 for invite! :)
Hey guys this is a leader of skrub squad, a brand new YouTube channel involving destiny gaming. We are hosting Gorgons checkpoint in the vault of glass for all. Message orka25 for invite! Would love for you to check out our YouTube if you join! http://youtu.be/sc8BhjDcNT0
Need 2 for ATHEON hard Gt above