Crota normal Need 4 more for Crota cp Be experienced 30+ MSG GT-Asianricebeast
Looking for fresh run have max GJALLARHORN and ICEBREAKER send invite Lvl32 hunter GT - IMB4988
Two looking for a fresh group hit me up on live GT BOSAB
2 31 hunters looking for fresh start
need sword crota norm gt same msg for invt
31 warlock. Looking to join a fireteam for a fresh run.
32 titan looking for fresh run inv TommieBooii
Need 3 fresh run!
Need sword crota cp JAZUS44
Need 2 for Bridge
Need 2 for fresh run have sword bearer messsge for invite gt same
Have Crota cp and I run sword need 31/32's to down Crota-- helping Sherpa my friend through send message on Xbox for inv
Need 3 for Bridge
Need 4 for fresh run message younggunbbc for invite
Have Crota cp and I run sword need 31/32's to down Crota-- helping Sherpa my friend through send message on Xbox for inv
Crota normal Need 4 more for Crota cp Be experienced 30+ MSG GT-Asianricebeast
Need 3 for fresh run, will invite quickly, msg me on Xbox one for invite
Looking for four more for fresh, PST
31 warlock. Looking to join a fireteam for fresh run.
At deathsinger message for invite
Looking for Crota cp I can run sword I'm bringing my friend (28 Hunter) to level plz INV we ran through and he disconnected
Looking to do crota. 32-Titan; with gali Gt: AYKAYX
Need 2 for fresh crota on normal. Gt same as username. Message on xb1 for invite. Thanks.
32 titan. Gt: Kaotic shots. Looking for fresh start. Can do sword if needed.
Need 4 for fresh run msg Rikk L94 for invite
Crota norm Fresh need 4 gt is same msg on Xbox for inv