290 Titan Looking for NF invite
zmrzombie Light 296, help in nightfall
290 Titan Looking for NF invite
Need one more
Anyone willing to carry a 241 through the nightfall? Message TriSauce115 on LIVE trying to get better gear
297 hunter lf nightfall
288 light WL. Looking for nightfall. Send invite GT: Hippy Crippler xbox1
290 titan for nightfall invite if you need another
Need 2 for nightfall Level 284 Hunter GT: FUZZBAL98
Need 1
One for nf
lvl 291 hunter hosting nightfall, no mic but can hear, message crazyxboxdude need 1
282 hunter looking for 2 more for nightfall. Help me please
Looking to do nightfall I'm a 289 Titan message name above
298 hunter need 2 for daily message for invite gt same as name
Need two 290 for exotic sword quest message panzzekiller
Looking for nightfall Lvl 299 Invite: Plodnomenon
294 warlock hosting NF need 2 MsG me for Invite GT is above
291 Titan looking for NF. Gt Syntax 8
lvl 291 hunter hosting nightfall, no mic but can hear, message crazyxboxdude
lvl 291 hunter looking for nightfall, no mic but can hear, message crazyxboxdude if you have a spot available or i can host
Need 1 person light level 285 or above
286 Warlock GT: Harrison9184 Looking to do Nightfall
1 for nf
Need one 280+ for fresh nightfall run message me on xbox one same GT as above