Crota cp hard
Nd team of 34s for fresh hard msg gt above
Need 2 at bridge CP hard mode. Harmonizer69 for invite. My old team didn't have a mic
Edited by El Squid Roe: 7/24/2015 10:15:13 PM33 Hunter. Gt is same as above. Invite me and I'll help. Doesn't matter what level or cp
Looking to do Crota normal and hard. Need 5. At least lvl 33 or 34. You need to be experienced and have either gally or a launcher with tracking. 1 person needs to b a sword bearer also. Message A Fierce Goblin for and invite
At crota need 5 plus a sword dude gt same as above
Need 5 including sword bearer for bridge CP hard mode. Harmonizer69 for invite
Need 2 for Crota bridge cp hard message gt above for invite
Need 5 for hard Crota boss checkpoint must have max GJALLY and know what their doing also need sword bearer Message for invite gt above
34 hunter lf fresh crota hard.
Team of two 34s looking for Crota cp. inv me, gt same
At Crota, need 1: Swordbearer. Message xb1: Pulvis ira
2 for Crota. 33 hunter and 34 warlock. Send invite.
Need 3 at crota checkpoint , message me for invite gt as above
Need 4 for fresh HARD MODE. 32+. Gt same as name. Message in game for inv.
Need 5 for fresh run message for invite gt same as above
Looking for 2 people to do hard crota. Msg me for invite
At crota cp. need1. msg reservado5 for inv
Message me if you have crota check point!!! GT; Gucci Gowup
Looking for team that is at crota cp gt above
Need a team of 4 for Crota fresh hard Msg SFR King Titus Or Msg. HEADofFLAMES
need a sb at Crota hard cp message for invite
Edited by Fron13rL1f3: 7/24/2015 9:04:24 PMIf anybody needs a lvl 33/34 Hunter msg me I'm looking for a fresh Crota hard Msg. SFR King Titus
Need 4 for a fresh run Be 33+ and experienced Message me to come
Just a young Ngga looking for people to join "Real Ngggas of Destiny" Clan. We got 6 people. We all cool AF and play all the time. We talk sports, music, Women. No invite needed to join just type it in "Real Ngggas of Destiny" just like that. Set it as your XBOX ONE CLAN. Stay frosty my dudes
34 titan looking to do fresh run. send me a invite gt same as above