Need two more fot flawless raider and raiding party achivements message ExplictGam3r for invite must be expieranced
Looking for more for fresh run
Need two for flawless raider and raiding party achivement
30 titan Max hunger Max icebreaker Experienced Inv Cobrasvt91
32 hunter looking for crota
Need 4 for fresh run. GT is bizzle4three
Lvl 32 hunter max everything swordbearer Looking for crota cp Inv me Gt: PapaJis
Need 5 at crota cp message THUNDERCLAPPERx for invite.. im a lvl 31 titan
31 hunter lfg fresh run gt same as above invite in game
at crota check point msg me for an inv. gt is the same. swordbearer needes
Need 3 level 31s or higher for normal crota at crota cp 1 of the 3 needs to be sword bearer message me for invite my GT is my name
32 warlock fresh run gt above, msg with lvl and class
32 Titan LF fresh normal run Invite gt Silahsor
Looking for 3 man must be lv31+ must have tracking and we have Crota cp
32 hunter looking to help with Crota I run sword Krazy Boznian invite