Need 5 for fresh hard VOG, must be 33+ with VOG experience and also need another relic holder for when we do gatekeeper. Must have a mic and speak English. Gt XreesyboyX
Hosting gorgon chest checkpoint for anyone who needs it. All I ask is someone stays there while I switch characters to get it as well. Message me for an invite
Need 2 for atheon cp. Message gt above
Need 1 message for invite
34 warlock looking for vog, normal or hard, gt same as above, those are zeroes
Vog hard conflux cp need 1 Gt same
Need two hard vog Templar message Jenx68
I have the oracles checkpoint Xbox one GT CALLMEHICKROSS
Looking for fresh or checkpoint for VoG Lvl 33 hunter full galky and ice breaker Message or invite me gt as above
Warlock looking for fresh run heroic message or inv gt is name
LF Atheon CP Hard or normal - GT as above, invite me
Atheon checkpoint message Roburt e Lee for invite
Doing fresh run hard, message for an invite
Need 2 for ath cp
Need 5 for vault of glass atheon cp reply or msg for inv
Need 2 for Atheon CP, be proficient with relic Msg Ronfiret
Need 2 for vault hard. Send message for invite
Level 34 Titan w/ 364 Gjallahorn. GT: Flash Maxx. INVITE NORMAL OR HARD!
Hosting vog hard MSG dominey17 for invite. Xbox one. Only ppl who have great vog wepons will get invite
Edited by Handicapunk: 8/23/2015 4:37:59 PMXbox One need 4 to run a fresh start normal VoG. Message Handicapunk for invite
34 warlock looking for gatekeeper CP have Max fate bringer and max gally, invite same as above
Looking for 2 to do Templar CP GT: DukeLax50
Looking for 3 for fresh hard vog
VoG on hard at confluxes msg snazzy expo for invite
Lvl 33 Titan looking to join atheon cp hard mode Gt same as above.
34 titan looking for fresh run send me a invite gt same as above