34 titan looking for fresh run send me a invite gt same as above
Running fresh Vog Hard, message FrostyRhyssss for an inv, please experienced
Lvl34 Titan looking to join for vog hard Gt: panthers2701
Need 3 for fresh VOG run on hard, mic required, message itsajitchuation on XBL for invite.
Need 4 got atheon cp hard need people who have vog weapons n know how to run relic.. GT same as above msg for invite
VOG hard first CP message disi1274 need 1
need 5 for VoG hard oracle cp please be 3000 grimoire score plus with experience message game ober122
Vog hard fresh, message zookepper1 for invite
Need two for save at Templar
Need 3 for vog hard, atheon co
Lvl 33 warlock to join group for hard mode VoG Gt same as above.
2 with Gally fresh or anything before Templar or Templar get same as above
Need 4 for gatekeeper cp. message Brosxph
Need 4 for gatekeeper cp. message Brosxph
Need 4 34's for FRESH, HARD VOG. Message aleanderxoo for invite. Must know what you are doing, and have working mic.
Need two people for fresh vog And must know how to use the relic! Message me for an invite GT is the same as above
lol 33 warlock looking to join fresh run on hard Gt same as above.
Need 4 oracle Cp hard msg warthog1008 for inv
Need 4 for vog hard gatekeeper msg delayedhalo
Need 1, Gatekeeper Melon EU
34 warlock with max weapons
LVL 34 Hunter LF hard raid. Invite: iii JUN3BUG iii
Need four people to do fresh run. Message me at LazyNeOnLiFe
Looking for 2 more for VoG hard mode! Message Lethalx89 for invite
I need a full team! Atheon CP normal! Msg lostintheecho for INV
Need 4 for gatekeeper cp msg So Cold x2