Level 34 warlock Highly experienced in VoG
Need 5 people massage Tallness32
GT: Undead Chaka Level 34 Titan defender Looking to do anything I can hear but can't talk
Normal at gate keeper need 5 lvl 25 and up
Need 4 for VOG normal FRESH message disi1274
Need 4 for VOG normal FRESH message disi1274
Need three for VOG on normal fresh run. Gt same as above.
Me and a friend (both level 34) looking for Atheon cp on normal
Need two for fresh run VoG on NORMAL msg Jcmurdy
Need 3 for Normal & HARD fresh run. Message me for invite.
Hosting Gorgons chest on hard message on xb1 for invite
Need 2 for VOG normal fresh. Add: TuxedoKittyKat and join
Vog hard gate keeper cp looking for 3more nice fast quick run know your fight msg s33m3br33h101 need 5 more 1or 2 relic runners gatekeeper cp have a max ice breaker or gally or blackhammer idc just have a sniper max we can do it twice
Xbox One VoG Normal Gatekeeper CP Need 5 more EXPERIENCED 32+lvl My gtag is above message me
Need 1 for Atheon message saint412 for invite
Level 32 looking for an invite to a fresh normal
Need 1 for gatekeeper message saint412 for invite
Need 3 more at conflux
34 hunter. With max weapons and Gally. looking to do a fresh a run.. hard VOG GT: IX Azazel XXVI
Need 4 for vog normal on Xbox one AKA Da BIZNESS
34 hunter. With max weapons and Gally. looking to do a fresh a run.. hard VOG GT: IX Azazel XXVI
Need 4 for VoG Normal fresh start xbox one. Weapons and experience don't matter. Message BreakTheTide for invite.
Need 3 for fresh run message saint412 for invite
Vog normal fresh message me for inv, you must be experienced
Need 2 for VoG Hard! Message KryptixSkill for an invite