Need 3 for crota CP on hard. Msg on Xbox. Get same.
need some for desthsinger. msg - mike iz sic. im a sb
Need 4 for fresh Crota normal GT: Eurite
Edited by KinG l KluTcH: 7/22/2015 11:02:15 PMLevel 34 warlock looking for hard crota any checkpoint or fresh run. Max ghorn. GT is same as above invite on Xbox
Need 4 for hard..fresh..message Gt above
looking to do fresh run on hard. gt same as above
Need a swordbearer and 2 others for Croats end fresh run on hard Gt is above, message on xbox for invite
Need 2 more..crota hard..fresh..gt Meatmountain666
Need 5 for hard crota cp including sb msg on xbox for inv
Need 5 for hard Crota fresh message get same as above for invite
Got deathsinger cp mssge for inv
Need 2 more for hard crota cp gt merx motycka
on boss need sword msg
Crota cp, hard. Need 1 who can run sword, hunter preferably. Msg gt-dio potente. For invite.
Edited by amps kitten: 7/22/2015 10:52:17 PMNeed 2 more for CROTA hard mode checkpoint Gamertag - sooOctavia (CROTA CP)
Level 34 Titan, warlock, and a 33 Hunter looking for 3 more guardians to fight threw a Fresh run on hard Crotas, or end boss hard crota. Gt the same.
Level 34 Titan, warlock, and a 33 Hunter looking for 3 more guardians to fight threw a Fresh run on hard Crotas, or end boss hard crota. Gt the same.
Need 4 for crota hard cp msg gt Renzariie for invite
I am a level 34 hunter with max gally. Looking to do any raid on hard. Message nascarmaster87
34 Titan for fresh run gt is above
Need 2 for Crota CP, message CBlackett for invite!
Edited by That Was Wackk: 7/22/2015 10:51:28 PM
Looking for an experienced player to help us noobs We're in the last part. On hard. Got 3. Waiting for 3 more anyone interested. Msg RAWRJESSY. THANKS(:
GUYS JOIN NOW AT THE LAMPS! Gt lazygameronline
34 Titan looking for 5 to do Crota Hard fresh run! To get this done quick, you must be 34, have MAX WEAPONS, have beaten it multiple times before (no noobs), and have a mic! Message for an invite: KryptixSkill
If you want oracle cp on hard VOG you halve to help me with the rest of my H.O.W and dark below story missions