At crota, need a titan with Bubble or a swordbearer msg for inv
Level 34 hunter with maxed gear and gjallarhorn, message djaxtro for an invite , Fresh XBOX ONE
Level 34 Hunter Looking to do fresh Hard crota run Invite FRNK0119
Need a group for Crota hard 34 Titan that can swordbear
INVITE ME "mervdeezy"
Edited by Heart I3reaker: 7/22/2015 8:59:53 PMLevel 34 Warlock Max weapons Have mic Looking for fresh start I just kill stuff. That's about it Send inv
Need 2 for crota cp
33 Hunter Inexperienced in Crotas Raid. Would like to join a group and help out.
34 warlock looking for FRESH crota raid GT: mookie008
Looking for fresh run gt same as above Lvl34 warlock Word 365 Hammer365 Truth 365
Need a few more people for crotas end on hard. Send message [b]ethansoles11[/b] for invite.
34 WL for any crota and CP. Just bored. Max ghally and ascended raid weapons. Can swordbare on hunter if needed. Invite krat0s141.
Bridge cp Gt TheBonj for a invite
Cp on crota need 5. Swordbearer needed
Crota hard crota cp need swordbearer gt is MRTWISTEDYETI
Need two for crota but it's normal on death singer cp gt same as above
Fresh Raid need 4 F4tal Nemesis
If you need help doing nightfalls, raids, or P.O.E go here twitch.tv/dreagon_1 and type in the chat what you want to do and we will help
Lfg crota hard
34 warlock max weapons and gally for fresh have another player if needed
Running hard Crota fresh start need five message for invite
Xbox one CROTA raid hard. Checkpoint Is at Crota with 4 spots available. If you are interested, send me a message. Gt: theconman0525
Need 3 for fresh Crota hard mode. msg mattsharpe101 for inv
Need a sword bearer for hard Crota cp msg horridburrito25
Need swordbearer at Crota GT: HigherEntity
34 hunter LF Crota hard cp INV horridburrito25. (Not a sword bearer)