Need 4 for vault. Fresh.
Lf Atheon hard cp lvl 33 Titan gt same as name
Lvl 34 looking for hard team inv please
Looking for 5 to do a fresh run through vog on hard. Gt: FlyMusician66
Need a good solid team for fresh msg ThatPick6Tho
Have 3 for vog hard fresh need 3 more message through Xbox GT is crimsonspeed18
Atheon cp on hard mode mag through xbox one for inv
Have 3 for vog hard need 3 more message through Xbox GT is crimsonspeed18
At Athens cp on hard vog. Need 2 please have experience
STREAMING ON TWITCH I'm carrying ppl thru trials to go flawless 1: you gotta follow me on twitch Stephen638 2: must follow me on twitch to join 3: say hi/whatsup and drop ur gamertag I've Been flawless 21x++ Max weapons, LVL 34
Need 2 more for hard confluxes message duckmanindapond for invite
31 Warlock looking to do fresh hard vog GT: Ech0 Galaxy Send me an invite.
STREAMING ON TWITCH I'm carrying ppl thru trials to go flawless 1: you gotta follow me on twitch Stephen638 2: must follow me on twitch to join 3: say hi/whatsup and drop ur gamertag I've Been flawless 21x++ Max weapons, LVL 34
Need 2 more for vog hard. Fresh run. Need people asap. Same gt as above message for inv.
I have confluxes cp on hard need 5 msg for invite Must be experienced Gt above
Looking for oracle or conflux cp, my gt is the same
Need 4 32+ for fresh hard run, msg vortexnk for invite
Need 4 for Gatekeepers. Message [u]Zevexy[/u] for an invite.
34 hunter relic runner. Down for cp or fresh run on hard vog. Hit me up. Itzz Sky.
Need 3 for vog hard fresh message TenGayMen34 for invite
I have templar cp on hard. need 5 including a relic holder. Message me for inv
Vog hard need 5 ppl msg for inv
Looking for fresh hard VoG run, invite GT: CsT Sonic
Lf Atheon cp lvl 33 Titan gt same as name
Looking for 2 players GT is smashtheskyline message me with the word pineapple so I know it's for vog.
Wanna start a fresh vog normal run and I need a team. Msg Silentfire157 on xbone for invite