Need 4 for crota hard let me know if you want to join
Crota CP need sword bearer
Need 4 for bridge cp. message powerofthefive for a quick run
Awaiting invite gt above
Need 3 for Crota cp Message xEnobrac for invite
Fresh crota hard Need 3 NEED SWORDBEARER TELL ME IN MESSAGE IF YOU CAN SWORDBEAR OR NOT 32+ Good rockets Know what your doing MSG Stashnaklov for inv
Need someone to swordbear message me must know what to do and anyone else
Need 3 for crota hard fresh 33+ Good group...quick run Gt:kingbube msg me
Looking for 3 more to do crota hard fresh run
Need one for crota cp msg JINX AC1D FOR INV
Need a swordbear? I'm your guy. Shoot me an invite for Crota cp. GT same as above.
Need 4 for normal 30+ Experienced crota runners....quick run Gt:kingbube msg for inv
Need 4 for hard fresh run msg xBrayden
Need 4 33+ for fresh hard Crota must have exp and mic still need sword bearer message SpacyFir692 for invite
Need 5 more for hard Crota fresh Message: Reaper UK
34 warlock lfg, GT: The Rossington
Need 4 at crota cp send message for invite^
34 hunter max everything hard crota msg in game fresh
Need 3 with one being a titan with gallys message me Itz CrWn R0yal im at Crota Cp
Level 34 warlock looking to do fresh run or will start at early CP. inv sir msg Drew Dwnn
Need 5 for deathsinger cp 32+ I can run sword msg shiznay for an inv
33 Titan looking for any cp. I can be sword bearer
Lvl 34 hunter looking to join hard fresh start. Got max gjallarhorn, 365 weapons, and experience. GT jkiefsfip83
Looking for 2 for fresh run. Asap please. Message 'godly ea' for an invite
34 Titan lf fresh
Lvl 34 Titan GT: Born Mental Maxed Gjallarhorn