34 sword bearer msg and I'll join
Crota cp I can run sword I'm level 34 hunter
I'm looking for 4 lvl 34s to help my friend thru his first hard raid. I'm 34 Titan, just need backup and a sword runner. I just want 34s so we can fly thru. Please be experienced on hard! Message xINTERCEPTERx on Xbox
34 hunter looking for fresh hard crota raid. Gt harpazoid xb1 (I am experienced)
Edited by WIVEN OF A FOWSAND UWUs: 5/28/2015 4:13:29 AMLevel 34 Titan wanting to do hard crota from fresh! Invite halo reach171
34 warlock looking for fresh or any cp
34 warlock looking for fresh Croat hard!!!! Maxed invite me!!!
Looking for crota cp. 33 warlock with max ghally. Experienced raider against crota. Gt acesniper92
Looking for a raid plz invite
I am level 34 with max Gjallarhorn and I need a good fireteam to join
level 34 warlock looking for deathsinger cp Invite me pls gt: skillzhots99
Level 33 hunter with 365 Gjally. Looking to help people out. (Never done sword)
Me and my friend would like to join, lvl 31 hunter and 32 warlock, message me at OG Rudolph
lvl 34 Hunter with 10max weapons looking for deathsinger to get gun drops inv Bus1up
33 hunter looking for hard crota cp. max ghally an ice. Gt acesniper92
I need 5 including a swordbearer. Must be 32+ Msg: CANT TOLER8 ME
At Croat need sb
Looking for 4 more for fresh crota. Need one sword runner. Message me. Gt kaotic shots.
34 with gally. Invt me GT same as name here
Lvl 34 hunter looking to help with hard crota cp ANY DIFFICULTIES GT SAME AS ABOVE (TWITCHING LIVE)
Looking for 4 more for fresh crota. Need one sword runner. Message me. Gt kaotic shots.
Two 34 Titans. Looking to do fresh crota. Invite me. Gt kaotic shots.
Lvl 34 Titan looking to join hard fresh start. Got max gjallarhorn, raid weapons, and experience. GT jkiefsfip83
Have Crota cp hard must have tracing rockets msg AfricansZebras for inv
Two 34s looking for group at any point 365 hunger and gally Invite oO NLC Oo