Looking for four 32+ for Crota fresh run. Got a sword bearer already. Message ot10 for invite.
Sword for hire
Lvl 33 Hunter looking for deathsinger or fresh run. Max gally and can run sword at Crota. Gamertag : DChiLLLin
Name is Mr MadNoob looking to join hard crota raid fresh run im a level 31
Name is Mr MadNoob looking to join hard crota raid fresh run im a level 31
32 Titan fresh run, in need of swordbearer and 4 extras. G-horn, truth or hunger please. Msg NLR SnipeyCat
32 titan w max ghorn looking for crota cp Gt the war kitten
32 hunter lf crota cp, gt above
Need a 32 Titan for Crota cp
Need 3 for fresh Message Last Ascendant for invite.
Need 3 with gally for deathsinger CP! Already have sword message DeNell19
Need one 32 with MAXED gally for hard crota cp! I'm a 32 Titan maxed gally! GT: UnicornWarriorr
Level 32 hunter looking for 5 people to help me beat final boss on crotas end gt:xV4LxISxL3G3NDx
Edited by Azqui: 5/16/2015 3:37:34 PMNeed 2 for Crota CP Must be32 and have Hunger or GHorn maxed Msg Azqui for inv
Lvl 32 Warlock looking for Crotas end Crota checkpoint hard raid group Max Icebreaker/Max Gjallarhorn GT =shadowpunish69 invite me on xbox one
Need 5 including sword bearer for Crota Cp
Need 2 lvl 31 or 32 with preferably a ghorn or hunger to kill crota, msg koalabare459 for inv
Lvl 32 warlock looking for fresh run gt same as above
Need to kill crota hard! I don't have the best weapons and I'm lvl 31 so if there would be a group of super awesome people that could do it with me that'd be great! Gt: King Gumba 1408
Swordrunner willing to help defeat crota. invite me gt same as above
Level 32 hunter with max Gally looking for a fresh run or a bridge CP. I can be a swordbearer but I'd rather not if we have a better option. Invite Vessel LS.
Need 2 for fresh run and sword bearer, mssg me for invite
Need 3 for fresh and a Sword Bearer Message Spartan Blast16
Need 4 for crota hard cp message Dr Salvation II
32 Titan looking for hard Crota check point. Max ghorn. Send invite.