Need 3 for deathsinger cp on hard Gt same
Crota checkpoint msg for inv must have gally hunger or truth need
Crota checkpoint msg for inv must have gally hunger or truth need
32 Hunter running sword for groups already at Crota checkpoint. Invite on xbone if you need help
Lvl 31 hunter maxed gally. Inv in game
Crota checkpoint msg for inv must have gally hunger or truth
Need 1 at deathslinger cp MSG for invite
Need 5 at Crota cp. msg: TsunamiTurtle68
Need a 32 Titan at crota cp message A Young Savage2
Need one 32 at Crota message on Xbox for incite
Fresh run hard message me for invite
Crota CP on hard. We have gallys. Still need swordbearer Message MrScotsworth for invite.
32 Hunter looking to join for Crota checkpoint, maxed rockets, (not swordbearer, sorry). Xbox invite ZRaginCaucasian. Thanks!
32 warlock looking for fresh run
32 hunter maxed Hoc and Gally can run sword. Looking for any checkpoint. Gt ZombzFreak
Need 5 for crota cp Requirements/needs 1 swordbearer must be 32 whatever class 1 GG hunter or warlock 1-2 Titans Must have good rockets (tracking 331) Msg me for invite Must be 31+
Fresh message gt MasterMalakai for inv
32 titan max gally for crota cp
Need lvl 32 hunter swordbearer for Crota cp message for invite gt same as above
Need 2 for hard crota
Need sword at crota cp gt same
need sword fresh run
Need fireteam with SB for HM Crota checkpoint GT above
Flawless raider achevement need 4 people to help 31+ max weapons message Deftonezombiesx on Xbox one for a invite
Need one more 32 crota cp Msg leeoxvii
Need 5 at Crota swordbearer needed message on Xbox for invite