Need 2 for gatekeeper gt same as above
At gorgon chest need a team message on xbox
Edited by Kritzumo: 8/6/2015 9:36:22 PMVog Hard 4 more Fresh Maxed Gally GT:Mr KrazyKrizio
Need 5 for Gorgons chest CP, Message: KoBMxNATRON
Hard atheon checkpoint msg for invite gt same as above
Need 4 for fresh hard mode run msg rainbowninja177 for invite
Need two more 34s for VOG maxed weapons msg for inv
Need 4 for fresh vog, message for inv gt same as above.
Need 4. At oracle checkpoint. Message winterferret700 for invite
Need 4 for fresh vog, message for inv gt same as above.
Need 3 for vog hard message gt above
Need 5 to do vog hard fresh gt same as above
Starting fresh VoG hard need 5 who know what they are doing be at least 32 message GT above for inv
Need 3 more for fresh run, message for invite, gt same
Level 33 Titan looking to do vog hard. Inv me
Need 2 for fresh
I got a hard gatekeeper cp and need 5 people message lastkingskingin 32+
Do you want to know how to make your sparrow go 3x faster just type in youtube Destiny Tree and change your upload to month. HURRY BEFORE THEY REMOVE IT
Looking for team I'm lvl 34 Bladedancer
Do you want to know how to make your sparrow go 3x faster just type in youtube Destiny Tree and change your upload to month. HURRY BEFORE THEY REMOVE IT.
3 for VOG hard. Atheon CP. GT Ravenman85
Need 4 more for fresh run mssg for imv
Lvl 34 Titan looking to VoG hard inv me
34 warlock 60 completions Can run relic at all stages Inv on xb1 - any cp
Need 2 people for gatekeeper message for invite.
Need 2 more for Templar. Message for invite