If I'm correct, I think we are looking for a level 26 or higher (higher preferred) 2 defender titans 1 more Warlock. Warlocks and titans for this raid in my opinion is all we need Hunters are great PvP but honestly get destroyed in PvE especially in higher level strikes,,,, Trip, your opinion?
I got me and 2 more, 2 of us are 29 and a 25
Do anyone of you guys have the digital copy of destiny
Gt snm kurupt
I would like to go L
Level 28 Sunsinger, GT is Ashiro Satoshi.
I'm down but I'm only level 25 hunter gt I am Bambie
Add me GT: TheMilkman775 lv 28 Titan
lvl 27 titan
I'm interested gt nickola tesla