Hey everyone! Check out our Xbox 360 division called LionsGuard Last Pride! We are the 10th division of LionsGuard and we do weekly nightfall all the time you can add me @THE Tripwire217, our co-commander @AbleWolf648, and our Pride Leader (captain) @THELIBERATOR08.
Looking for 1 person to do the nightfall, we are already 2. Send me a message if you want an invite on 360. Gamertag; [b]iCaptiVeHD[/b]
I'm lvl 28. Xbox 360. Gt same as name
Nightfall I'm lvl 28 GT is ieatkelp
Need one more for nightfall and weekly. Already have 28 Hunter and 28 Warlock - both with mics. GT is same as profile.
29 hunter nightfall and weekly xbox360 GT: ItsJustAce92
Need 1 at boss gt:skully1770 x360
GT: Kegan47 28 Hunter both subclasses maxxed. Have Mic
27 titan looking for nightfall fireteam. Gt: xxsandmanslimxx
im lvl 26 hunter im in
Still looking for people? If so I'm in. GT is username.
if your still looking my gt is Last Only King