originally posted in:Orion Legacy
Is it just me who thinks that the ability to change factions whenever kills the value and lore of a faction?
Hmm good question. What if we are able to get all the lore behind each faction? Wouldn't that be better than just getting one? I would rather have ties to multiple factions than be tied up to one and only learn the story of one. Why learn one factions way when you can learn all the factions ways! Faction specific lore, and loot! GIMME ALL THE LOOT :)
Were guardians. We have no alignment with factions from what i understand. We just help the ones we like. Btw Dead Orbit is Best Orbit
Yeah. And besides everyone knows Seven Seraphs is best ;)
I totally agree with you. Factions should totally be permanent. Someone speculated though that at some point you might be able to lock down your faction like you can your focus to gain extra benefits. then it wouldn't be so stupid.