originally posted in:The Travelers Elite Guard
Im looking for any one who has xbox one and isnt in a fireteam. Ill be on one and 360 http://www.bungie.net/7_The-Travelers-Elite-Guard/en/Groups/Detail?groupId=99424 join this clan
I'm on Xbox one if anyone's interested GT: New R2D2
I'll be on both Xbox One and Xbox 360 GT: XxInzane72399xX
On XB1 and looking for people to play with, GT is Darth Dreadicus
Im on Xbox One currently not in a fireteam but i have signed in for one. Ive also just joined Elite Angels. My GT : SteroidCrazygun
Im on the xbox one GT same as user name
I'm on xbox one looking for a fire team GT MCINNES 54
KCTHECOREMAN420 is my GT highly skilled player
Gt is same as username :)
Not funny ok....though crowd
Auto correct doesn't like orgy hmmm
Sweet let the bacon or go begin.....wait wrong place
I did
I'm on xbox one
Im on the xbox one Gamertag is same as my username here
I'm on 360 I might be on the One by launch but I'm waiting for a price drop or a bundle with destiny.