originally posted in:The Friends List
I honestly forgot. Also, we needed a bit more people to spice it up. Sorry guys.
Shit, I forgot. rip
I'm down but please no fu[i]c[/i]king auto aim please !
Dope. Added this to le [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Post/99465/177293574/0/0]schedule[/url].
Edited by Oxide: 12/15/2015 1:53:45 PMSure But I may or may not be able to make that I might have to go somewhere I could deft do s few hours earlier
Sure, why not. Sign me up and get ready to hit qwikskopd
This actually seems like a pretty dope
Edited by FunguyV: 12/15/2015 3:40:30 AMActually, I won't be home till late that night. Totally forgot about a cristmas party being held by my mother's side. I know I helped you pick out the time, and I guess I just lost myself. Good luck nonetheless.