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The Friends List

"We Left B.Net. Our discord is"

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    All members, please note that we have left and have created our own website. Domains and instructions on how to find us are inside.

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originally posted in:The Friends List
Edited by Fashion Lizard: 12/31/2016 7:14:25 AM

The Friends List Gaming Network (25,000 posts before I die!)

[b][i]This thread is used for TFL announcements. Check back frequently.[/i][/b] Previous Thread Titles: The Post Office The Big Kahuna The Real Deal Great White Buffalo Godzilla Hath Cometh The Big Yellow One Achievement Unlocked! It's Alive! Happy Bungie Day! TFL Worldwide [b]Congratz to wolfBTM on getting his sub-thread to 1000 posts![/b] [url=]Join The Friends List![/url] Get ready to drink from the fire hose! 3000 posts before Destiny's release!: [i]Success![/i] Phase MVP: DontHateTheBest. 15,000 posts before MCC's release!: [i]Success[/i] Phase MVP: wolfBTM & Mechetti 25,000 posts before I die: In Progress... Challenge #1 Winner: wolfBTM Challenge #2 Winner: Mechetti Challenge #3: Winner: Mechetti Challenge #4: Winner: ZoltoydeZ77 Challenge #5: Winner: ZoltoydeZ77 Challenge #6: Winner: Mojo1965 Challenge #7: Winner: Mechetti Challenge #8: Winner: Repeated ID Challenge #9: Funniest picture wins. Keep it within Bungie's Code of Conduct. It's subjective to my sense of humor.

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  • [i]Worldwide.[/i]

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  • Necrobump also, this is the only reason i come back to forums.

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  • Taco Bell bathrooms might

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    • Necro

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    • Hey, burn do you know how long chat bans last?

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      • There you are

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        • Bump

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        • You see

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          • Bump police

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          • C'mon we can do it

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          • Uh oh

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          • Edited by ZoltoydeZ77: 12/29/2015 5:49:14 AM
            Uh oh

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          • Bump

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          • Bump

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          • Necro

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          • 2-day Necrobump

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          • [b] [/b]

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            • Back from the dead

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            • Trump

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            • Bump

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            • ……………………..…………………………………………………..„–“…„/“ …………………………………._„„„„„„„_…………………….„/“……..“*~–„_……….„/“*~„ ……………………_„~”~~~~*”;;;;;;;;”\„”\„…………………„/“……………..”~„……„/“…„/“ …………………..|‚~*;;*~~***””;;;;;;;;;;;;;;”~„……………..„/“……„~””~„……„/”.._„/”……”~„ ……………………|;;;;;;;;~*””””””””””””””\„;;;;”|………….„‹”…….„/”…….”~”….(”…………”~„ ……………………”–„;;”…………………..);;|………..„/“…….‹;_……………..„/…………….”~„ ………………………}……………………‚{;;}………„/’„~~„”””*…/”…………..„/………/”*„………) ………………………|……………………[~‹„„…„–”¯…„-„¯…/„…………..‹”……../”….”\„…„-” ……………„~*~–„_.{”\„_„/”¯¯¯¯”\–~**”¯..\(„„)/”¯”„_~~¯”~/~-²…………„/………/„_…….”`¯ ………..„-”¯……….\.|.¯”*~„___„„~”¯;;_„„-~}./”…….¯*~„~-„.”\‚…………..‚/….;„~-/…/” ……..„-”¯……¯”-„….”¯\„;;:‚|…::;;|‚::”-„{_„-~‚/”………„-~/;;~-„.”\‚………..‚/…../;\„‚/”;/” ……„/”¯….¯”*~~-„”„..¯”„|…::;;|‚::;;;_„-~{-„_…..„”../”;;;;_„_¯}‚…….„”¯.„…./”/ …„/”……….__….¯’›;;’|;;:;;¯’\___„‚-~*”„-”¯”„-„”„„-”;;;;;„/”..”*-”……‚/”„~”¯”~”¯¯¯} …‚|;;::.._„-¯”””¯”*~”…|‚……;;;;‚;;;;_„-”¯……-„”–/”¯;;;_„-”…..„-”……‚/”/”..~-”-„~”¯¯\‚ ….|;;:::.|”/’…..¯”„……/}„……_„-~””….„/”„”¯\„;;;_„-”…..„-”¯……../„;\….”\‚..”~\„¯\‚ ….|;;;:::|/’………¯”…..’\_„~*”¯……„~”’„-¯……\”…..„”¯…………’›;‚\_„-”………¯”/’ ….’\„-~””…………._„-”¯…..”~”¯”*”¯…….„”¯….„-”¯…………„-”¯;;;;;;;…..„/’;;;;„-” …..{;\‚::;;;;;……_„-”„/”………”~——–„_:::„-”¯…..„-”~„…………„/”………….„/’;;;„-” ….|”;;;”„„‚-„_..„/’‚’/’………::::::¯”¯:::;;;„-”¯\…..„-”\‚…..”„……..{;;;;:::……„”;;„-”¯ ….|…..;;;;³”\…….|’………:::::::::::;;;„-”¯”\‚¯”*”.\„\……\„…._„-”„;;;::…„”;„-” …..|……;;;;;;”„…|…„„_„-~~~~~~*”„-~*”¯¯”*~-„„„_”\„…..\_„”„-”…”„;;„”;;„/} …..\……::::::::”‚_}*”¯::::;;;;;;;;;„”¯~”‚/„_;;;;;;;…”\.’”¯/..„”…::;;;;”-„„~”./’ ……}”„_………../…..;;;;;„-~*”¯”¯¯”~„…„¯”*~–„„__\\„.|…..”›…:::::;;;;;;;„/ ……|;;;;;¯”~~*”¯”-~”¯¯’¯..„/’¯¯\;;;;;;:…;;;¯¯””*~–„„„_’\|…./”::::::::_::;;;„/ ……|;;;;;;_„„„__„-”¯………/”\…„-”………;:::::::::::::::::::’/}:::::”—””¯¯”*-‚/ ……|;;„-”¯„„„-”……„-”…;;;/”¯..¯’*‚;;;;;;:::::::::::::::::::::::::‚|;;;„”¯;;;;;;;;;„-” ……|„/…„/”…..„-*”¯…;;„-”………/‚;;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::|~-”;;;;;;;;;;;„-” …../”..„-”…„-~”……..;;‚/………..|;;;;;::::::::„-~-„„_::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;„~” …..{„/”…„-”…………./”……:::::„-”„.\„….„-”;;;;;;;¯\;;;;;;;/”`\„__„–’¯ ….|/…„-”………:::::;‚/……„-~„/”;;;”\‚.”–”;;;;;;;;;;;;;|;„-”¯ …..|„-”¯……………‚|’…„-’¯„-”;;;;;;;„”-„_”~-„__„/”./”../’ ….‚|’…………::::::::‚|…::\‚-”…:::::::;”-„_¯”*~-„„_„/’../’ …..|::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;|:::„-”…::::::::;;;;;;;;¯”*~-„„-”…/’”\‚ …..‚\::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;/..„/……:::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;../’….”-„ ……\„::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;‚/.„/”…::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;../”-„…..”-„ …….”-„;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;‚/.„/…:::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;../”-„;”-„…..””*\ ……….”~„„__;;;;;/.„/::::……:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.‚/’;;;;”-„;”~–„„..”-„ ……………..¯”’~/.„/:::……:;;

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              • Taco Bell bathrooms might

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              • Agnizab

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              • Bump

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              • [b] [/b]

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              • For challenge #9, idk if gifs counts but this is one.

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