originally posted in:The Friends List
Do you think you're popular around the website? I'm curious to see what proportion of people think they're hot stuff on these boards.
I know most of you don't care, nor think it matters, and you're right because it doesn't. I just wonder what everyone's self-perception is.
Comment if you recognize me
I get a choice?? Then I vote Yes. [spoiler]I mean I do have 9 followers[/spoiler]
Some people probably recognize me but a lot of people don't like me because I go on the controversial posts a lot
[b]PROBS NOT[/b]
I often wonder if people recognize me
Idk mang
Nuh uh
Am I popular yet?
I honestly have no idea. I suppose Im a familiar face to some.
Hell no.
I might be a familiar face to quite a few people on here, but I am by absolutely no means popular.
Edited by zSam: 6/30/2015 6:26:52 PMI'm known to a few, I guess. But to be honest, I just come here to have a laugh and some good conversation with likeminded people. I also like to change my name now and again.
Anyone know me
idk and idc
Don't think so.
Yes :>
idk anymore
Hell if I know
Yes. Okay no I lied