originally posted in:Tower Wayward
Calling all Floodians
Tonight we will be having a halo 3 game night, hosted by yours truly: ST0RMW0LF7
I will be taking suggestions for game types and maps, and will open a game 8:Something pm, PST. Please leave a reply with your gamertag if you are interested, but there's no penalty for just jumping in.
Please note this is halo 3 for the xbox 360.
Update: I will be starting the game presently.
This Game Night is brought to you by:
The Wayward
[spoiler]by order of his royal highness katana donkey.[/spoiler]
God Of War Ascencion game night?
Might be there in 8 hours.
Lol, I just deleted Halo 3 off of my 360 a few days ago. I have the MCC so I was like "I'll free up some space." I could redownload it but...... meh. I don't have any of the dlc for it so if you were going to play on dlc maps it wouldn't be worth it.
I might join later
Edited by Guardian0611: 2/27/2015 10:51:47 PMGt-NaThan H 1238
Im guessing this is original halo 3 and not MCC?
I'll join.