originally posted in:Tower Wayward
Do you want to join another private group that is exactly the same as the other ones? Well then you're in luck! The Wayward offers a unique experience, just as good as you'll find anywhere else. Looking for a chat about completely random shit that ranges from b8 to rare serious discussion and highly common shitposting? Then The Wayward is just for you! Founded by the egregious megalomaniac Ktan Danktakatee, with the vision of making other groups, like The Friends List or Sapphire, look like "autistic schoolhouses" as quoted by our "Sexyallpowerfulimperialhandsomemother-blam!-erbadass" leader, that description is also a quote of Kton on himself. So join the wayward! We're just as good as any other group, just don't tell Ftan.
Anyone click on this just because of the title that says #69?
Okey ktokey