originally posted in:Tower Wayward
Just wanting to get a general idea so we can possibly have PC game nights.
Age of Empires 2 Counterstrike 1.6 I'm old.
Diablo 2 and Starcraft BroodWar
Over 125 on steam Around 20 on origin
My computer struggles with Tetris, so....
Club penguin game night.
Over 200 on steam. Around 30 on origin
Edited by Woupsea: 5/1/2015 2:49:02 PMToo many to count [spoiler]I counted, like 40 or so[/spoiler]
I have Minecraft. That is literally it. /consolepleb4life
Roblox game night anyone?
Spore, Insaniquarium, Minecraft (doesn't work), Elsword, some others. Basically: no MP games.