originally posted in:Tower Wayward
Hello Friends!
I am organizing a [url=http://www.gamestop.com/xbox-360/games/halo-wars/67109]Halo Wars[/url] Tournament! I know its an old game, but I feel that the community will have a great time playing in the tournament. I am thinking of doing the tournament on Friday, May 8th to Sunday the 10th. Sign ups will be below, and if we get enough people me and Ktan may be organizing teams.
Start times may be posted tomorrow or Thursday.
Good luck!
EDIT: Leave GT's .
Edit 2: Im moving it to May 15th to the 17th.
Edit 3: The tournament will start at 8:00 PM EST Friday and end at 5:00 EST Sunday. Brackets will start being made soon.
If the sign ups haven't closed and if it's full I'll join. GT: TISSIC
Whoever I'm facing better be ready for that suicide grunt rush baby.
Edited by TotallyNotDrew: 5/5/2015 3:55:16 PMSure I'll join. Haven't played in a while. GT:TotallyNotDrew
GT is name
I would've joined just to get my ass kicked, but I won't be around next weekend sorry.
I guess ill go, even though i suck ass when it comes to actual strategy in that game. GT:grubkiller9015
Haven't played that in a while may have to practice GT is my name
I'll join get is same as above
Gt is same as above. I'm not really good at the game but ready to play in a tourney.
Edited by Spartan70: 5/14/2015 6:22:49 PMI'll join. Gt is Spartan70 EDIT: I actually won't be able to play Friday. I'll be available Saturday and Sunday, however.
Oh my God yes, please add me to this, it is so hard to find people to play with. My GT is same as above, and I'm always available after P.M. EST.
I own the game. I suppose I should play. Better remember how to play.
I'll play if I got my copy still.
I will play, KnightOfTamriel is my GT
Count [b]Pureeey[/b] in! :D
The mighty winds speak "Halo wars is the worst halo made" The winds have spoken!
>Is excited
Nooo, I'm gone this weekend. You monster.
Y u move it? I was pretty excited to play halo wars again.
If I can find my old copy sure.
Edited by Donkey_Hotay: 5/5/2015 3:00:19 PM#gaming or #recruitment how come none of you wayward folks realize how the forums work?
Sign me up.