I can [i]blink[/i] my eyes
Can always survive as last person in other games no matter what
Dashingly good looking
When I eat humans, I can never bring myself to eat the liver. I think it's all the crap you humans put in your bodies-- Between the drinking, the tobacco, the drugs... Eugh. I'm not even sure why I eat humans.
I can tell if someone is smart simply based on their religion.
I'm 6 hours younger in this time zone.
The trait of... Wait, what am i doing?
Edited by Starfall Shadow: 7/9/2015 8:22:04 PMI'm kinda OCD with my parking. Basically, I will back out of a spot and drive back in until I am perfectly straight, equidistant from both lines, and not too far up against the top of the spot.
The trait of speaking really fast
Howling to the moon. [spoiler] bloody [/spoiler]
I have light green eyes with yellow around my pupil
Edited by DJ: 7/4/2015 6:56:03 AMI look older than I actually am I'm a big guy I'm (allegedly) smart I grow my hair really long and then cut it really short (instead of keeping the same length) I show no emotions I have never tried mustard in my life
Highly acute reflexes that I can't control. Falling pencil? No problem. The wierd thing is that I don't look in it's direction nor do I pay it mind. The little rush of wind is enough to alert my consciences.
I can twist my head around 360 degrees
Im intimadating to other people but im so intimadating that sometimes I intimadate myself
I'm hard on everyone I'm hard on people I know I'm hard on my boss I'm hard on you But most of all I'm hard on myself [spoiler](;[/spoiler]
My dick hits my knees
I eat ass
I am somehow good at mixing drinks together
I can guarantee 99% of these are lies
I can turn my tongue sideways ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) I can make a clicking noise in my ears. I have toes as long as my thumb
I can twist my arm a full 360 degrees
I really good with analysis of information, especially with people. I tend to remember even the littlest things about people. Which leads me to know a lot about them, yet I barely know myself.