originally posted in:Tower Wayward
The day is Friday, the time is 8:00 PM EST, and the game is Halo: Reach. Open to all members of the Bungie community, but members of The Wayward get the right of way.
If any space is available, I'd be happy to join.
Is it now? I'm bad with time
-writhes in pain over tfw no 360- T_T
I am ashamed I no longer own Reach, but is uplifting to see pow-wows like this. Positivity for the community I commend you, sir, and wish your Squad well.
Is it too late to join?
Edited by Ktan_Dantaktee: 1/31/2015 12:41:37 AMStarting early; if you want to join, simply do so. Send a FR to BioCharizard16 or Jun A266 lll (those are lowercase "L"s, not uppercase "i"s) if you want to play.
Why not halo 3?!
I'll be there.
BEGINNING TRANSMISSION: (Low melodious hum.) The Gamer Kate Only if you need 1 more... ENDING TRANSMISSION:
Edited by Ktan_Dantaktee: 1/30/2015 4:11:07 PMGT is the same as my username. Send me a FR and I'll invite you when it starts. I'm feeling lazy (mostly because I'm horribly sick) so I'm just doing it this way.
Is this still on for tonight?
Hell yeah. My GT is the same as my name on here.
dang it i have uninstaled reeaach today god dang it cant join sorry
Absolutely. GT: FunguyV
Damn, I won't be able to get on my 360 this week.
[quote]The game is Halo: Reach[/quote] [quote][quote][quote][quote][quote][quote][quote][spoiler]ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwewww[/spoiler][/quote][/quote][/quote][/quote][/quote][/quote][/quote]
Ill join. Evilmorman1 is my gt xbox 360
Nice. Now that I have my 360 back I can pla- nope. I can't cause I work from 4- midnight.
Maybe the next one. Dying light gets released and I'm working till 10.
Can't play my 360 online anymore, and 8 Eastern is... ooh, 1AM for me. And I start work four hours later. So that ain't happening.
I might see if I can find my copy or Reach...
Edited by Huunior: 1/30/2015 8:25:29 PMYep Jun A266 lll
No. I wouldn't want to make you guys feel bad.
Is it on PS4
Sucks i live in australia and that is the middle of the night