originally posted in:AngryArmy
requesting to join anyone who wants to start the Vault of Glass raid.
I should probably mention that I'm on the PS4. lvl 24 Warlock. PSN RedSpade83
lvl 24 hunter looking for glass vaults
Lvl 26 warlock if anyone needs me on ps4 PSN name is MattBrotis
Our clan is hoping to start it as a full group soon check us out on my profile All Work No Play Adult clan And if not add me psn anyways lvl 24 lock Psn Drkill3r_X
I'd be more than happy to help, psn OG-K94 level 26 Titan. I'm from the uk so you'll have to tell me what time where guna start. Get back to me dude.
[spoiler][/spoiler]Ill join if you need me, lvl 25 hunter got exotic wepons
Edited by nbond09: 9/18/2014 8:43:39 AMHey we need at least 2 more ppl to do a raid.. It'd gave to be mostly over night and I'm central time. My psn is nbond09. It'd be much appreciated!!
I wouldn't even recommend it unless you are a 28
FYI The portal wont open unless you're 26..
Add me psn is hadesxxson. Level 24 Titan
Add me Cruelvalcore 24 void walker long to short range
add me deadpool210kills im level 25 titan and I also have a buddy that is 24 warlock we want to play vault of glass but we need more people as well so add if you want to play.
Add HoDZz
Ill join if youd have me, lvl 24 hunter, GT: evanrude10