originally posted in:AngryArmy
lvl 26 Titan looking for active members that play a mix of strikes and crucible. Farming spinmetal chests gets boring rather quickly.
level 22 hunter looking for people to play with GT is ADAMScuh no mic tho
Level 26 hunter! add me
[quote]Please post in [url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Topics/0/Default/None/Destiny]#Destiny[/url] for [url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Topics/0/Default/None/Destiny]Destiny[/url] discussion, [url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Topics/0/Default/None/Clans]#Clans[/url] to find other people to play with. You will find more attention and like-minded people to chat and play with there. You don't even have to start a new thread by the way; just edit your post by clicking on [b]edit[/b] below your post if you are on PC or by clicking your post, then the three dots and choose [b]edit[/b] if you are on the mobile app - after that you just need to change the hastag - to #Destiny for example.[/quote]
Level 24 Titan! Add - EvO x2FA
hi im level 22 warlock - i need regular peeps on xbox 360 to do strikes, weeklys and crucible add my GT TriggerTrix
playing every day lvl 23 about 2 light away from 24. just need SOMEONE to do these strikes with ;(