originally posted in:AngryArmy
Hey, I am looking for some people to play through the story, do missions and all that good stuff.
I am currently level 10 (close to 11) so I am looking for people around my level :)
My gamertag is The One Half.
Anyway I hope some of you guys would like to play with me :) See you on the battlefield!
My Titan is level 10 so if you want to play with me that'd be cool. I also have a level 25 hunter but i only get on on weekends so. :/
Myself and my friend are level 28. We need a team of level 27+ we've beaten the vault before, know all chest locations very experienced message me dirtydog97
Level 27 warlock! Gt: akrueger46
Add me as well I'm a 27 warlock and I ain't finished the story either :) my gamer tag is Leafy Shinobi
I'm looking for friends also. Lvl 22 Warlock. Gamer tag: TidalThunder
you guys can add me aswell since I need some friends on destiny. lvl 22 warlock. gamertag: Boern9
i don't mind playing with u. I'm lvl 24 on the xbox one. GUMMYBEAR36 message me.
I would gladly play! Add me on xbox one: gt is veniversum
I'm a level 19 Hunter but I dont mind playing through the story again so if you dont mind that I'm bigger level add me UGH JERSEYGIRL
u can add me on friends list i able to play on weekends a lot gt deathbreaker666
What time do you usually play? timezone?
You can add me mate Lvl 18