originally posted in:AngryArmy
Xbox 1 Im lvl 27 close 28 warlock both sub classes lvled need a group to run the vault first time
XBOX ONE - We are looking for active & experienced Raiders that are lvl28-30 only. You must have a Microphone, able to communicate, Teamwork skills, play smart, not new to raiding and at least 18 years of age or older. We are a mature group of friends looking for others that are hardcore when it comes to raiding and like to get shit done and done quick! We have multiple characters that are lvl29 and have the raid on farm status. We raid anywhere between 1pm-3am. If you are interested in joining us and meet all the requirements please make sure you leave your- Character level: Character class: Gamertag: You can also add me (DREDDKN0T) "#0 not letter O)".
GT kennwoodd in when servers back up, lvl 25 striker
Edited by IceCobra58: 10/7/2014 4:51:29 PMIm a level 26 warlock i need to do it to. My name is IceCobra58
Edited by Reaper477: 10/7/2014 4:20:32 PMSend me an invite when you get a chance. Name = GT 28 Titan
Lvl 27 hunter GT: saint hellboy69 Inv when servers come back online
Add me 28 hunter
Iam down gamer tag the same 28 hunter