originally posted in:AngryArmy
If you are playing on Ps3 and want to be added by others who are playing, leave your name here! This will help us get in contact with each other and play a few games.
User ID: Mosteel831
Class: Warlock (Sunslinger)
lvl: 21+
Gamertag: wickedpigs2 Class: Titan/striker
User id - fetusforafiver Class - Titan/defender Level - 27
Armageddon624 Lvl 21 hunter gunslinger Has mic
X_6ft3Midget_X 27 warlock, was 28 but bought a new exotic helm... maxed Void, almost maxed Sun singer, looking for nightfall strike asap.
ID: TTG_user Level 26 Hunter both subclasses looking to do VoG
PS3 id: crosbyfan25 LOOKING FOR VoG RAID AT ATHEON EASE HELP :D lvl 27 hunter
User ID: JShine09 Class:Warlock SunSinger Lvl: 28
Edited by inkyrobin: 9/22/2014 9:29:32 AMUser ID: inkyrobin Class: Warlock lvl: 9 just started, would really like some people to play with. feel free to add me and join whenever!
Edited by Reapers Wrath66: 9/23/2014 3:01:14 AMPSN: Reapers_Wrath66 Class: Hunter Level: 7 (just got the game, played the beta though) mic looking for lower leveled people to do missions with
User id: crosbyfan25 Lvl 27 hunter need group for VoG if possible
Psn: kaocs209 28 hunter blade/gun 26 warlock sunsinger 25 titan striker Lfg VOG Has mic
PSN: StereoStereo1981 27 Hunter (Gunslinger and Bladedancer both max) Mic broke, will get a new one in the next week or two Looking for Weekly Heroic, Tiger Farming, VoG(only done it once, haven't beaten it yet), etc
Edited by Barrierr-: 10/5/2014 5:25:27 PMID: six6caliber 28 hunter bladedancer Mic I'd like to try VoG but I'll help anyone out if I can with strikes & weeklies
ID: indiajaponesa_26 Class: Hunter gunslinger lvl25
Edited by CubMilitia: 10/5/2014 3:36:04 PMHunter Lvl 24 bladedancer CubMilitia Mic (not sure how to use it on destiny)
Titan Lvl 28 (defender) Mic Psn sheldoor87
Edited by Aldrich: 10/5/2014 4:35:19 AMPresdentShinra 28 Sunsinger LF VoG and Nightfalls Has mic
Warlock Lvl 28 looking for group to do VoG. PSN id: DiEnd25
Psn: xx14wilson14xx LVL 27 Titan Full Legendary weapons and armor plus exotics. LFG vault of glass
Psn: Mr_shoto-1
user ID: garrisjones Class: Titan lvl: 25 I don't have a mic though and i still haven't gone to the VOG yet
psn: Rabbitknife lvl 25 hunter gunslinger have mic vog tiger farming queens wrath
PSN: Zendaria 27 Bladedancer and Gunslinger. Looking for Tiger farming, VoG, Queen's raid
Edited by Xsidion: 10/4/2014 8:06:53 PMAkatosh 101 Lvl 27 Hunter and lvl 21 titan Have mic
Lvl 24 hunter Use mic Triggah_mike