originally posted in:AngryArmy
If you are playing on Ps3 and want to be added by others who are playing, leave your name here! This will help us get in contact with each other and play a few games.
User ID: Mosteel831
Class: Warlock (Sunslinger)
lvl: 21+
Psn-Sneaky_libra Class-titan striker/defender Lvl-24
PS3 IGN = Daemonic_Angeal Hunter Level 20 (Gunslinger) Warlock Level 21 (Voidwalker) Titan Level 20 (Defender)
PS3 IGN = EP1CPWND Hunter lvl 8 Started playing today
Edited by Nightfury: 9/22/2014 6:31:15 PMpsn: asafben7 class: titan defender level 24 have mic and skype
PSN:Xander354 Class warlock lvl 24 No mic has skype
PSN: xcrunr1647 Level 26 Titan Defender (should hit 27 this week) auto-sniper-MG
Edited by Daxtr3: 9/22/2014 5:59:45 PMUser ID: Daxtr3 Lvl 20+ Hunter I have Mic
User ID: Chrysos_boy Class:Warlock (void) Lvl: 21+
Edited by baxull: 9/22/2014 5:11:59 PMUser ID: Baxull Class: Titan Lvl 20+
Add me on ps3 Psn h3ll0fstr 0 is zero
PSN: Aggressive-Hobo Class: Warlock Level: 22
User ID: Mr_Squidtastic Class: Titan Level: 5
User ID: zeds__ ded Class: Titan (defender) and striker in progress lvl: 25 Class: warlock (void) Lvl:4 ATM
Display Name : Navydruid Class : Titan - Lvl. 18+
Reedurge. 19hunter 10warlock
ID: Berning8911 Titan 15 Looking for fire team , play most nights
ID: Deim_Nomos Class: Hunter (eitherway) lvl: 25-26
Psn= proshotwaffle. Im looking for fireteam. Im a lvl 22 warlock voidwalker
User ID: xTwistedPixels Class: Titan Striker and Hunter Bladedancer Level: 25 and 14 Up for weeklys strikes pvp raids anything!
User ID: Werewolfan50 Hunter Level 27 Just want to slay some Strike bosses and maybe do the VOG. I am free most of the time. Stay strong Gaurdians!
Level 26 Warlock, needing one more for a nightfall strike!!! USER ID: LEDGY1
Level 29 Titan CooZie-
ID: FranckGonzalez Titan Striker 24+
Psn E-money_bags88 hunter lvl27 need ppl for V.O.G.
Doing a raid tonight, I have 2 players with me so far, all level 27, must be atleast level 26 if interested message me, we'll be using skype for communication and you have to actually take this serious as we are planning to actually complete this, an I got hope seeing as I did the nightfall strike with only one other friend
used ID:T-E-ONE-22 (TEONE22) class: warlock voidwalker Lvl: 27 and rising:D