originally posted in:AngryArmy
If you are playing on Ps3 and want to be added by others who are playing, leave your name here! This will help us get in contact with each other and play a few games.
User ID: Mosteel831
Class: Warlock (Sunslinger)
lvl: 21+
Edited by DeusDominus: 10/18/2014 6:35:50 AMDeusDominus Level 26 Warlock Sun/Void Max Looking to do any and everything, really want to get into raids Vault of Glass,Nightfall anything. Headset/Mic Available. Why the heck is there no in game chat in the Tower !
Sup, I'm a level 25 warlock and I only play with others in PvE strikes. Right now I need help with the weekly and later on probably the raid.
ID: twelvehats Level 26 hunter Bladedancer I have a mic
Hi all Goldenwings84 ps3,I am level 28 titan stricker..I'm up for everything,really love kicking some alien ass..especially the weekly's and raids,add me if your creating a fire team or just need some one extra to help,I do have a Mic,but generally don't use it as I swear alot as it is let alone under pressure haha..look forward to seeing you online
I need a ps3 VoG hard mode save on atheon or Templar add domo23543233
Edited by rarexPL: 10/19/2014 8:06:39 PMHi everyone I'm lvl 11 right now and I will be happy to help someone killing monsters or something. Ps I have a Mic Psn: rarexPL Class: Warlock
ID: brainchildpl Class: Hunter Lvl: 27 (almost 28)
Add me level 27 warlock almost 28 Psn: Frightun-
Looking to get some help for Xyor. Gamer tag is darkstar0905
Don't add me, I'm that guy who punches you on patrol and runs past you. I T-bag you in the tower, crucible, and strikes. I dislike anyone with a blue name over their character.
lvl 28 warlock Ceaseless_Cell; i have a mic. inv me if you need help
Add me blackdynamite057
PSN ID: Winchester-Sama. Titan, lvl 27.
UMAD_BRO_54321 Warlock Level 27
25 lock, add me. "Sinned--" for daily or raid.
Any one got Templar checkpoint? For raid ps3
Possible ATHEON check point normal or hard for cheese PS3 crosbyfan25
Edited by bidandush: 10/14/2014 11:13:36 PMBidan17 Class: warlock (void walker) Level 23/24 No mic
Edited by MastgunnyOrick: 10/14/2014 11:13:07 AMVOG NOW PSN MastgunnyOrick
Edited by TorukkMaktho: 10/14/2014 10:24:04 AMLvL 26 Titan, 23 Hunter ID Torukk_Maktho Mic yes
Edited by toobad007: 10/14/2014 3:18:29 AMLvl 24+ Hunter blade dancer Mic: no User id: toobad007
Edited by whiskeydiablo: 10/13/2014 7:20:03 PMUser ID: Whiskeydiablo Class: Warlock (Void Walker) LvL: 23+ Mic: Yes
Psn: chimataria Level 29 warlock or 22 titan Mic:yes Raid experience
Psn- jebuspower Lvl 25 titan Lvl 25 hunter
Titan lvl 26 BaeMachiavelli Mic Europe, Netherlands VoG or Nightfall Today feel free to add.
Level 30 hunter with the vex mythoclast almost maxed out, if anyone needs help with the VoG I'll be glad to help them whenever! (You must atleast know what your doing) as I don't want to spend 4 hours in it, but if anyone needs an extra player I'll be glad to help!