originally posted in:AngryArmy
If you are playing on Ps3 and want to be added by others who are playing, leave your name here! This will help us get in contact with each other and play a few games.
User ID: Mosteel831
Class: Warlock (Sunslinger)
lvl: 21+
Psn is reggwin lvl 27 warlock with mic looking to raid on ps3
Trexf0rdicurd looking to do weekly heroic 27 Titan MSG me
Psn yup_im_kyle lookin for atheon checkpoint on hard mode
Psn. realdeal9907 Hunter level 29 maxed out both classes Currently working on Titan and warlock, have done vog once, I'm on most days will help with nightfalls, weekly strikes anything (30 years old gaming for years
Skittlez34 Warlock. Whatever sub is needed Level 27 and looking for a squad to do the raid with. Preferably thosd with experince. Add me if interested
lvl 27 Titan, looking for people to do weekly, raid, etc just add me
DopenesS4109 add me PS3 w/mic play everyday level 29 warlock
Gt: djzebr4ftw Lvl 24 Hunter bladedancer or gunslinger But sadly cant use mic parents wont let me
looking to join VoG I'm level 27 warlock with both subclasses maxed psn: monhogee97
Edited by phalkkon: 10/11/2014 6:04:17 PMphalkkon Hunter (maxed subclasses) Level 28 daily/weekly/nightfall/crucible/raids
Skreamin-silence Lvl 25 titan defender Have a mic Eastern time zone Looking for pretty much anything
UserID : EternityEnd1212 Lv 29 warlock (maxed both subclass) Watched videos on how to raid Uses Skype to talk while playing From Malaysia :) Speak 4 langauges.
Have a 28 hunter, 27 warlock, and a 25 Titan need to do raid on my warlock so message me if anyone wants me to help (I am experienced)
[quote]If you are playing on Ps3 and want to be added by others who are playing, leave your name here! This will help us get in contact with each other and play a few games. User ID: Mosteel831 Class: Warlock (Sunslinger) lvl: 21+[/quote] IV3NCR7 Warlock (voidwalker) 24
User ID mnk050809 Warlock voidwalker Lvl 29
27 warlock ps3 name noraanavycm
PSN ID BUGABOO-TEXAS (dont let the name fool you.) Lvl 28 titan Striker (or defender) Im on daily, if you need any help just send me a message
PSN: Armyholihan Lvl 27 Hunter Lvl 28 Titan Lvl 26 Warlock Age 35.
PSN:EnsignFrager lvl 27 Hunter: max BDancer almost maxed GSlinger Lvl 27 Titan: Think I can work best as Defender but don't mind Striker I have a mic. Enjoy the fun! =)
ADHarris12 Level 28 Titan Striker
PSN: loner55 level 24 hunter (bdancer)
PSN: zSpArKz786 Lvl 26 Titan Lvl 29 Warlock ;)
Username - Lijm22 Level - 23 Clan/group - 23rd regiment All welcome to join!
PSN: iSkyy_ Age: 22 (so mature players only) Class: Defender Titan Lvl: 25-27 Depending on what mission I Change my gear.
Add me aamir5playa
Edited by musky6969696969: 10/9/2014 12:01:18 PMPSN: musky6969696969 Down for whatever daily, weekly or levelled strikes. Farming or crucible. Level 22 Warlock