Except by The Combine. They wipe memories and replace them. Hasn't superman actually been under mind control multiple times anyways?
[spoiler]I wouldn't thinj of rustling a single jimmy.[/spoiler]
firstly, you are a troll secondly, yea Superman is ridiculously inconsistent
Yeah. But on a serious note, combine are comprised of nearly infinite races. If they can even get one kryptonian they can bio-engineer an entire army of them using synths.
Combine suck balls they're no match for the DCU
> Combine create a more powerful synth replica of the DC universe > Roflstomp entire DC universe
>Batman knew about the Combine ahead of time because himself from another universe warned him >Batman teams up with Gordan Freeman and Gaben and defeats the Combine.
> Combine created that batman > His planning is their plan and leads to their downfall > GabeN always picks the combine.
>Batman also knew this ahead of time, its all part of the plan
> Batman knowing was part of the Combines plan.
>while Batman and the Combine are busy knowing each others' plans both fail to see the larger threat: Batman.
> While they fail to see the bigger threat the bigger threat fails to see the biggesterest threat: The Combine
>and while all the Combine and Batmen are knowing each others' plans and being bigger and bigger threats to each other, they all fail to see who orchestrated the entire ordeal; Batman.
BUT PLOTTWIST; Little did batman know that there was an even more elaborate problem. [spoiler]The Combine.[/spoiler]
If you were a woman, I'd ask you to marry me. [spoiler]All of this was taking place in a fictional universe written by Batman[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Batman was birthed from a combine. The combine were shot in an alley.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]All of this is actually taking place in a fictional world created by us[/spoiler] [spoiler]so it all comes down to, who would win in a fight between you and me.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]I have a beard and my hair currently wreaks of sulfur.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]I really don't care about death[/spoiler]
[spoiler]I am a death[/spoiler]
[spoiler]and I honestly don't give a shit[/spoiler]
[spoiler]The only problem I have with death is that I won't be able to eat food or fight people anymore[/spoiler]
Then the ogerlord commences his shrekoning, taking both batman and the combine by the balls.