Not my place but I bet you look disproportionate. Benching 155 and curling 45. Wow I curl 40s and bench 205 along with knowing the fact that curls and benching are very insignificant workouts to overall body development. When you say upper body do you mean bench and curls??? You should focus on back and shoulders more then chest and you're tricep is 2/3 of your upper arm
Edited by KingKrown: 3/9/2015 6:45:12 PMwow I don't like you already,so presumptuous -_-, 1st off,I'm very proportionate,I work out all of my body, as I CLEARLY stated in the 1st 3 lines of my post. I don't know why you concluded I do THAT and only that. I just said I enjoyed THOSE PARTICULAR EXERCISES the most. "The most enjoyable aspect of my workout is Cardio ,Benching/Curling. " <--- THAT,I said That. When I say Upperbody I mean Abs/lower back on up...My upperbody. When I say Lower body ,I mean from Waist/Gluts on down. "Wow I curl 40s and bench 205 along " ...I not trying to have pissing contest with you,I was stating where I started and Where I am now. There are guys that lift 300, There are guys who run 3 miles in half the time it takes me to do 1 and a half, so what's your point and trying to one up me aside from being a dick? Since you decided to come off like that, I really care less what you do in the gym.