The purpose of a government is to maintain order and a state of peace. You can't exactly have that if people are doing whatever they want with their body.
The purpose of government is preserve our freedoms.
Not necessarily
Have you seen the U.S. lately there not doing a very good job. Ppl will abuse drugs no matter what if it's legal or not. Criminalizing it hasn't worked so far, so why not. The argument that it's a gateway drug in my opinion is b.S. it's a choice ppl choose to shoot heroin or snort coke or drink excessively. At least my legalizing you could potentially restrict when and where it's used, the age you can start using it. There would no longer be a reason for back ally drug dealers and would provide a legal economic boom for ppl struggling. I don't smoke weed either by the way bit out of all the drugs it's the lesser evil imo.