Citation needed.
Edited by Theo______oGamer: 4/23/2015 11:06:44 AMLook it up on a reliable site you trust.
Edited by Cocaine Pancakes: 4/23/2015 1:07:36 PMThat's not how it works bud. You made the claim, you gotta provide the source. [i]Edit: And if you can't, it only proves you were lying in the first place.[/i]
I don't [b]have[/b] to provide the source. And why would I lie about something like this?
Edited by Cocaine Pancakes: 4/24/2015 4:45:27 AMThen I won't take you seriously. You're going to claim that marijuana damages the hippocampus and fail to provide any source at all? Ok well I'm going to claim that body heat from dogs cause cancer. I don't need to provide proof according to your logic.
And you probably not trust whatever source I have anyways.
Edited by Cocaine Pancakes: 4/23/2015 10:39:52 PMStill waiting for that source. How hard is it to go to your Internet history and copy/paste a link? Honestly how difficult is that?
And yes. I am scared to give you a link. "Ahhhhh"
I didn't get it from the Internet, I heard it from a psychologist giving a speech. The psychologist is also a comedian and he did the show worlds dumbest.
Edited by Cocaine Pancakes: 4/23/2015 8:20:27 PMFinally, thank you. But that study only show hypocampal asymmetry among alcohol users and combined cannibus/alcohol users. That's quite different than saying that marijuana [i]damages[/i] the hypocampus. Also note that the study does not test individual cannibus users by themselves, but rather users of both cannibus and alcohol at the same time.
Oh I just chose the first site I will find a more reliable one.
Thank you that was an interesting study. I will note that the sample group was among [i]heavy[/i] marijuana users. But in most cases, too much of anything has some side effect. Would you vote to legalize it just for the sake of freedom? Remember that alcohol is scientifically and statistically more dangerous than marijuana.
Edited by Theo______oGamer: 4/24/2015 12:03:42 AMI would if how it was going to be used would be more helpful than harmful.
So by your own logic, alcohol should be illegal?
Or people should be able to choose if they are informed of the negatives and positives.
That's a fair answer. So how about like a mandatory drug class that educates you on the facts about drugs before being able to purchase it?
That's sound right.
Cool, I could get behind that.
Well I guess.