O for Overweight.
[url=http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/obesity-overweight.htm]69.0% of Muricns are fat[/url]
I feel like a special snowflake
So are 67% of the people in the U.K http://www.theguardian.com/news/datablog/2014/may/29/how-obese-is-the-uk-obesity-rates-compare-other-countries
Out dated. It is actually 70%.
What's worse is that it's considered a disability. Put down the Big Mac get of yo couch and go for a jog.
That's actually outdated information.
69% of us are overweight because our dicks are significantly bigger than those of men from other countries #roasted
Lmao ^^
I don't trust a skinny cook.
> not knowing that the cdc uses BMI, most useless body measure ever. > actually thinking 2/3 of 330 million people are overweight >lol
It's 400+ million and yes the majority are overweight lol
Lol dude you completely missed my point, nice job
Edited by bFLY: 4/29/2015 11:39:37 PMI didn't miss your point, I corrected your point. Whether you use BMI or not the majority of people in America are overweight or obese (there is a difference in case you didn't know). This is a major issue that you are trying to downplay which is why your point is wrong.
You don't seem to understand what classifies as overweight on BMI and obviously know nothing about nutrition or health lol.
Edited by Matthew_verdugo: 4/29/2015 3:28:56 PMThe reason Americans are fat is because a burger is $1 and a salad is $5
Looks at all kids at my school. Yeah seems to be true.
Those percentages decreased, don't use something from 2010.
The obesity rate was 27.7% in 2014. An increase of 0.7% from 2013. And it's fully expected to keep increasing.
No shit it'll increase, for some reason people would rather eat fast food rather than a home cooked meal.
Because it's cheaper to buy the fast food in most places.
Right, but in the long run it makes the rest of this country look bad. I hate being the hated country.
They hate us can that aint is. They hate us until they get in trouble, then who does THE WORLD call? They fûcking call us.
Edited by Spartan: 4/30/2015 11:24:59 AMNot necessarily, the British are heavily relied upon by many countries, mainly because they know we won't shoot them in the back if we find oil.