So, when a white person shoots up a school it's considered racist? Makes sense, whitey.
Don't see white people rioting when a white person gets killed by cops regardless of the crime. Don't see white people rioting when a so called whitey gets killed by rioters. No white people riot when thier sports team loses the big game.
So when some team loses a game it's ok to burn down cars and riot, but it's not ok to riot when some unarmed black man gets his life taken from a police officer? Somehow losing games are more important than losing lives? You just made yourself look like a bigger dumbass, I'm not wasting my time with you anymore. I hope your favorite team doesn't lose again, it'd hate to have anyones car burned down or a school to be shot up.
No pointing out that why the hell do people riot. Yea black man gets killed let's riot! OK so let's damage everybody's shit and go get us some loot! This is not only stupid and further more hurting the community as a whole now. Makes sense right? Slight bit of humor before about the Riots caused by sports teams was lost on ya. It is ok though big guy. You go right on ahead and continue rioting so you can rob some poor guy trying to make a living. Bet you're the guy that recently got his ass handed to him from his mama. Long story short. Stop the violence in general stop rioting and actually think is this the best thing to do or do we have a more peaceful way to handle this. I don't care if all you wanted was that copy of GTA V or the newest 4K ultra HDTV you have no space for. In the end riots do more harm then good.