Are we talking about the same war? Ww2 USA did heaps, that can't be debated! Ww1 you were little more than runners keeping the big boys supplied with ammo. The US generals and admirals were kept out of the surrender process and the drafting of the treaty of Versailles. They also didn't receive their fair share of the war spoils, which gave them major butthurt (quite rightly) which would greatly effect their negotiating tactics when dealing with the allies in ww2. Like many of your fellow countrymen you've jumped on the Murica -blam!- yeah bandwagon without checking facts. Google it FFS. Also, I'm not a Canuck, I just gave you that impression to piss you off :) I'm actually Mexican! I'll be jumping the fence next week if you wanna meet up for a coffee and discuss world history and politics?
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