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4/30/2015 1:46:54 AM
I think America should have just let Germany take over Europe then? Sounds good to me. European snobs!

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  • Well considering America mainly fought in the Pacific, and their victories on the European front were minimal when compared to other countries. You also entered late, and provided very little help, more often then not bombing your own allies because of your inability to read a map. So no, you didn't save any one, contrary to what your fictional war movies would lead you to believe.

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  • So we didn't storm Normandy and secure a beach head? We didn't send countless troops to France, Germany, Poland and even England? We didn't turn the tides of WWII with our air superiority after officially joining the war? Oh and we nuked Nagasaki and Hiroshima just because we're assholes, had nothing to do with an offensive launched at pearl harbor... Damn, I've been lied to all these years...

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  • Edited by Vilhelmus II: 4/30/2015 11:35:49 AM
    Normandy Beach, correct me if I'm wrong(I'm being serious) but were there not other countries who attacked at the same time? There wasn't much to fight in the air since Hitler cancelled the program during the war for some reason. Germans literally outclassed us with their airplanes that were far more advanced then our own. wonder why he did it. The attack on Pearl Harbor destroyed countless war ships, and was instigated by America's refusal to supply Japan with oil. Hiroshima and Nagasaki were civilian cities, and America wanted to test out it's new toys. Since Japan was already surrendering, yes, bombing two civilian cities was an asshole move.

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  • No, it's Normandy. Lol. For some reason? Hitler stopped trying to push the aerial battlefront because he was severely outclassed by U.S. planes... Only proving my statement of air superiority. Now, German tanks on the other hand were superior to allied tanks and if he had more funds to produce more tanks than he had, would have possibly won the war. We instigated Pearl Harbor by not giving oil to Japan? Not sure where you heard that, but if it were true, should we feel inclined to aid our ally's enemy? After all, the enemy of my ally is undoubtedly my enemy, as well. But I digress, saying we should not have launched our counterstrike (Big Boy and Little Boy), is like saying you should let a guy punch you in the face with no consequence, because he said he was done with the fight immediately after doing so... That's not how it works. Bottom line is America joining that war undoubtedly turned the tides of WWII in the favor of the allies forces, whom were losing the war prior to our engagement. That sir, is historical fact. You can hate Americans all you want, but when you distort the truth to suit your own ends, you lose all credibility.

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  • Edited by Vilhelmus II: 4/30/2015 10:08:31 PM
    Bottom line, America broke the Geneva Conventions. Spin it any way you want, they murdered civilians who were not responsible for the attack. Did you know that if a Soldier surrenders ten seconds after shooting your best friend, you are still not supposed to shoot him? It's breaking the convention, your analogy was flawed, and doesn't offer a valid excuse. A more accurate analogy would be that a guy punched you in the face, you crippled him with a crowbar, beat him nearly to death, he gives up and then you go murder his kids. They were innocent. The civilians did nothing wrong, get that through your thick skull. And for your information, the German planes were far more advanced then anything the Americans had, most of the American provided vehicles proved obsolete against their German counterparts.

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  • D-day

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  • and entered late but sold the allies tons of weapons and munitions. don't try to downplay all the work the United States did to try and prove someone wrong. You can dislike America all you want your opinion is literally nothing to the government and will not stop them from what they do.

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  • Don't tell me there's no hope at all. Together we stand, divided we fall. It won't change because people like you gave away your power. You gave it away, and now you won't take it back.

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  • Or ignore the whole post lol. if you're gonna try to argue with people don't be immature about it.

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  • Edited by Vilhelmus II: 4/30/2015 5:08:03 AM
    [quote]and entered late but sold the allies tons of weapons and munitions. [/quote] Great. Good to know they serve as a very useful hardware store in times of great crisis. Though they only help at all because they were attacked. Never mind anyone else. [quote]don't try to downplay all the work the United States did to try and prove someone wrong. [/quote] Downplay the Americans? I told the truth. Unfortunately it's been blurred by fictional war movies, made by Americans, to make Americans feel good about themselves. Claiming victories in places won by others. Making movies depicting yourselves as the only country that fought against Germany. By god, we could have sent in one brigade of Americans and they would've won the war for us, or so those historically (in)accurate movies tell us. Just about every country fighting against Germany did more than America. Perhaps you need to read an actual history book? [quote]You can dislike America all you want your opinion is literally nothing to the government and will not stop them from what they do.[/quote] My previous reply stands. You let them take your power. Is this better?

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  • If you take the movies seriously, then you need to reevaluate yourself. Why would America get involved in a war that isn't their fight? like other countries today didn't join in the war on terror right away. and I my power wasn't taken how you came to that by me saying your irrelevant opinion is nothing to the government is beyond me

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  • If you are talking about WW2 then your wrong, we joined the war because we got bombed at pearl harbor

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  • If that's a reply to me I didn't mention any reason for America to join lmao. I know about WW1-2

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  • It was someone else

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  • Yes, yes you did.

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  • [quote]If you take the movies seriously, then you need to reevaluate yourself. [/quote] So about 90% of Americans? [quote]Why would America get involved in a war that isn't their fight? [/quote] Why did Canada decide to go to Afghanistan with America, when it wasn't their fight? Perhaps because they are allies? [quote] like other countries today didn't join in the war on terror right away.[/quote] Do you mean the terror that the U.S puts civilians in other countries through? [quote]and I my power wasn't taken how you came to that by me saying your irrelevant opinion is nothing to the government is beyond me[/quote] No opinion is irrelevant. If you truly believe this, well you must live in a very one minded life. All opinions should be taken into account when possible. Like your opinion, though I've encountered many with said opinion before. The fact that you believe that an opinion is nothing to the government... Well that's quite interesting. The government is supposed to be for the people, yet you think it can just ignore them as it will? Every person matters, every thought, every word, every opinion matters. Your country had such promise. Ruined by pride, contempt and ignorance.

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  • Lol you just assume 90% no facts to back that up, you listed on country to the question, the U.S. supported the war by supplying weapons etc. and get back to me when your blind ignorant hate for America has something happen

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  • Edited by Vilhelmus II: 4/30/2015 5:26:07 AM
    Won't acknowledge other points, tells me to stop being biased. God I -blam!-ing love Americans. [spoiler]The amount of stupid in that reply... My god.[/spoiler]

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  • D-day was an American's plan was it not?

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  • Yet who was the only country to achieve its goals, exceed them, and not fail miserably? Oh right, Canada. Then of course the Americans count this as their victory... How many British victories did you claim were yours? How many Russian victories? The plan wasn't solely America's doing. Contrary to what American history books tell you, there are other militaries out there.

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  • Show me a single victory I claimed. Please I'm enthralled to see.

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  • Edited by Vilhelmus II: 4/30/2015 5:21:34 AM
    I believe I stated [quote]Then of course the Americans count this as their victory[/quote] did I not? Are you purposefully being difficult, grasping for straws, or did you actually infer that it was literally aimed at you?

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  • The bastards bombed R chippy

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