I have a wife, job and 2 kids. I have a regular raid group, but started to lfg frequently too (been playing 'Sherpa' as it happens). Its not hard, you dont need a computer as a smartphone or tablet is more than capable (and if you can afford to game, you can afford a smartphone/tablet). It takes 2 minutes, maybe 5 if you make a few posts, then you just wait for the flood of messages that inevitably follows, pick the group/players you want and off you go. Easy peasy, what on earth could prevent one from being able to do this?
Go and run some weekly heroics, tell me how many people were talking.
Now get a raid group, turn off your mics and go fight Crota in silence. Let me know how that pans out.
Also, I never said I was against it. I explicitly said that at the end of my post. All Im saying js to think that in game random mm will magically yield 6 fully commicative teammates each time is asinine. Random mm is full of deafening silence. It'll also be full of players looking for a carry (which not everyone wants to do). I think there is a massive misconception over how well it would work. Think of this more as a warning. Im not saying it shouldnt be there. I think the option would be nice, but it would suck balls if it mirrored the rest of the games mm.
Sounds to me like you and people who make comments such as yours, havent been involved in online gaming for very long, if you have then you totally missed the whole social aspect Live had to offer, I've got friends still on my list I met way back on halo 2 and rb6, as far as lfg goes, no its not difficult, but its strictly the whole point of using a THIRD party site to do endgame content, stupid, listen to how that sounds, I would love to see how many of the people on here who say No to Optional MM would be crying and whining FOR it...if it wasn't for that one guy who saw the need for a site like lfg right after destiny launched, whaaat would all the elitist do?? Ironic how the developer who revolutionized online mm is the same who turned this game into the anti-social elitist bore it is
Edited by Bieltan: 5/9/2015 7:38:14 PMThey'd probably use the recruitment section on this site, or (god forbid) use the forums to try and actually form a regular group and friendships. Y'know, social things done in what is meant to be a social game. Its not like theres a shortage of groups with open doors out there. This is something I did back on Black Ops 1. Im still playing with the same people near nightly to this very day.
Again, things that should already be IN game, effort should be made PLAYING the game, not finding a way to do it
I didnt meet my friends in the game. I met them on the forums. Last I checked, CoD didnt have in-game forums. Also, please dont call me elitist when I have clearly and repeatedly stated that I would love to see raids be more accessible. It just makes it seem like you havent fully read or comprehended what I am saying. I want accessibility to be had with the optimum experience for all.
Wasn't referring to you yourself being an elitist, that was directed at that group in general, and not defending CoD but don't see that they needed a forum, the only thing I prefer to use a forum for is to view stats, unlocks, challenges etc, like bf4s app, with the exception of 3 or 4 I've met on lfg, all the gamers I've partied up with I was Randomly teamed up with in game, halo 1-3, bf series, CoD 1-4, GoW, etc etc, I'm all for optional mm, however I don't believe it should be forced, we should be able to play and socialize how WE choose, not how they FORCE us to, hell we pay for it.
Agreed. Optional is an absolute must. Some requirements would be good too, such as having a mic, and a stricter than normal penalty for habitual AFKers.
True, I remember they had a stipulation for being idle in game waaay back on RB6 Black Arrow, it'd boot you after a few min of non movement, however, there was an unlockable achievement Spec Ops Master or something, but u had to play for like 48 hours straight to get it, it was something crazy like that, so what did people do?? Wrapped a rubber band around the 2 analog sticks so the character was constantly moving (spinning in circles actually) while they just stayed logged on and went to work or school lol kinda funny, alot more than I meant to say, but gamers always seem to find a "work around" for the stipulations they put up
I am in the same boat as the o.p. Job, kids, wife and not enough hours in the day. I play maybe 3 hours a day after work and after the kids are in bed. I have managed to get everything accomplished in the game so far without matchmaking. Weekly Heroics have been graced with matchmaking, and it was horrible. I used to solo it every week, now i get spawned in with 2 other people and 95% of the time one of them just sits there AFK and tries to get a free pass. Now apply that to a six man raid, your going to have 2 people trying to get a free ride, 2 without a microphone, and probably 1 level 26-30 on their first run, also without a mic. Trials of Osiris is also something you will not want matchmade as well. 3 random people with no mics trying to win 10 games in a row, good luck! Im with this guy, try to find an adult clan, that would be a good choice, most clans work the same shift and same timezones. If you can not do that forums are still going to get you better results than matchmaking ever will. If you play on Xbone hit me up bro!
I've been running sherpa raids on XB1 recently, want to lend a hand sometime? Its usually just normal modes, but anything to get peoples feet wet eh? ;D
yeah im down is this your gamertag?
Yep yep
ill hit yu up
Sounds good. Ever seen a titan FoH across the jump puzzle?