Destiny came out... pvp players cried that team chat will help improve gameplay and strategy. Bungie adds teamchat and i am yet to hear a single soul talk in over 6 months of play.
so why should they care? at least they tried and made prison of elders matchmaking for lv28 allowing players to bond and create fireteams to tackle harder difficulty but trust me nobody will communicate in that mode
The problem is that while they did add it 1) it's opt in/out and not standard. 2) they'd already conditioned everyone to not use it in the crucible.
so why r ppl not already conditioned to no matchmaking also?
You're comparing apples to oranges. Everyone has the option to put on a headset. Not everyone have friends to play with. If voice chat was default, more people would use it.
u know u can set it as default and still nobody uses it. community asked for that, bungie answered and its wasted effort. now matchmaking bungie said ok we shall give ya weekly matchmaking hell take prison of elders and matchmake too hell all the strike playlist are matchmade so make friends and form raid teams and other fireteams. but nooooo we are too lazy for that and too busy we want all matchmaking. sheeesh